Yuxi City Commerce Bureau Delegation Visited Citylink

4 min readMay 10, 2018


On April 26, 2018, a delegation of 50 members of Yunnan Province Yuxi City Commerce Bureau led by Director Kang, Deputy Director Feng and other executives visited Waltonchain’s subsidiary Citylink. Citylink VP of Operations Mr. Zhang Jian introduced the functional characteristics and technological advancement of Citylink’s Smart Environment Sanitation System and other products to the visitors. The delegation approved of the company’s R&D results. Later they were provided with a brief on the NB-IoT multi-channel sensing equipment based on a technology patented by Citylink, after which the delegation looked forward to further cooperation in the fields of Smart Environment Sanitation and Smart City.

Citylink VP of Operations Zhang Jian presents the Smart Environment Sanitation project to the delegation in the Creative Young Café

As the speed of urbanization in China increases, so does the level of garbage and consequently the level of resources required to manage waste also increases. Currently there are more than 347,500 municipal vehicles in China. The corresponding number in counties, townships and towns is rising constantly and has already exceeded 52% of the total number. According to industry estimates, the total capacity of the future environment sanitation market will make up about 800,000 vehicles; and there still is room for growth accounting for 483,800 vehicles. At the same time, the long-standing problems in the industry become more serious than ever before:

  • Vehicle number is big, daily operation supervision is difficult;
  • Personnel number is big, and the personnel is scattered; daily management is difficult;
  • The infrastructure is spread across all streets; real-time management is difficult;
  • A wide range of activities, supervision and inspection are difficult;
  • Backward management tools, extensive manual management is still required.

Relying on a deep understanding of the industry and having the technical strength of its own, Citylink developed the “Smart sanitation management system based on NB & Beidou technologies”. This project has received a number of national and international professional awards and was noticed by the Yuxi City Commerce Bureau. Therefore the Bureau delegation visited Citylink to know the smart environment sanitation system and other products better.

Citylink’s solution adopts various sensing equipment and smart terminals to form an IoT network with interconnected information for environment sanitation management at all levels. It introduces the 4-component environment sanitation management:

Supervision refinement

Using the GIS map visualization technology, managers can find violator vehicles and personnel in real time through the platform, adopt the grid management model for personnel and vehicles, and transit from extensive management to fine management.

Real-time handling

Real-time work process monitoring, real-time work volume statistics, real-time operation supervision, real-time scheduling of environment sanitation operations, real-time evaluation of work results. Equipment positioning is realized through the embedded Beidou technology; in case of emergency, information can be transmitted through Beidou SMS.

Management visualization

Vehicles, personnel, facilities, events etc. can be displayed on a map, therefore a sanitation map can be created.

System integration

Integrated with vehicle video, Beidou, RFID reader-writers and other hardware, interconnected with smart watches and cellphone apps, the system can be seamlessly connected with a smart city platform, the Skynet Monitoring Center to realize grid management.

Dedicated environment sanitation communication equipment:

Smart overflow sensing equipment:

  • The ordinary trash can / unit is equipped with the overflow detection equipment to upgrade to the smart trash can / unit seamlessly. It can detect the filling level and report it automatically.
  • The NB-loT equipment has low power consumption and a long battery life reaching 10 years.
  • A rich choice of interfaces, multiple sensors can be connected (we have already applied for the multi-channel sensing technology patent), effectively reduces the installation cost for the owner.
  • Industrial design, suitable for rough environments, high grade waterproof.

In the future, Citylink will boost the application of blockchain in the Internet of things and develop more advanced blockchain + IoT solutions, which will bring the ultimate convenience to the city. Having the technical support of Citylink, Waltonchain will comprehensively promote the industry development, the construction of smart cities, the innovative construction of Waltonchain’s blockchain-based Value Internet of Things, and also promote the development of Waltonchain’s new business ecosystem application model.




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