Waltonchain Whitepaper 2.0 Official Release Announcement
Dear global supporters of Waltonchain,
Waltonchain has been committed to leading humanity into a reliable digital life via blockchain. In its development, Waltonchain has made many technological breakthroughs and innovations, and reached a new milestone. On this basis, the Waltonchain team has upgraded the white paper accordingly. We proudly announce the official release of Waltonchain White Paper 2.0.
Waltonchain White Paper 2.0 is a periodic report of the technologies and applications related to the innovative Value Internet of Things (VIoT) concept proposed by Waltonchain. It reveals the new concept of “Chain Cluster”: the secondary value reorganization of the ecosystem which further enriches the whole Waltonchain ecosystem order to form a larger business ecosystem; it puts forwards several major technological superiorities such as PoL, WPoC and the smart contracts with data customization support.
A detailed overview of the Waltonchain system as well as information guide were provided for all Waltonchain supporters, industry partners, and blockchain enthusiast.
Please visit the below link to the official Waltonchain website in order to download the White Paper 2.0. Available in English, Chinese, and Korean versions.
Waltonchain White Paper 2.0 (https://waltonchain.org/templets/default/doc/Waltonchain-whitepaper_EN_20180525.pdf)
We greatly appreciate your valuable feedback and suggestions for the betterment of Waltonchain global ecosystem. If you have any questions or feedback, please share those with us through our social media platforms.
Thank you very much for your support for Waltonchain!
Waltonchain Team
September 4, 2018