Introducing the IOT-CT03 UHF RFID Ceramic Antenna — Essential for Wireless Communication
As wireless communication technology has entered our lives through ever-popular consumer electronics, the importance of such devices in society has resulted in an astonishing pace of development within the global market. Arguably, one of the most important components within all wireless products is the antenna.
We are glad to announce that along with the successful R&D of the UHF Android Smart Reader-Writer, Waltonchain’s technical subsidiary Xiamen IOT Technology Co., Ltd. has developed the IOT-CT03 UHF RFID Ceramic Antenna.
Design and Testing of UHF RFID Ceramic Antenna IOT-CT03
Besides a system core chip, a UHF RFID ceramic antenna is another key component of read-write equipment, which defines the transmission characteristics of modules and ensures wireless communication with RFID chips and tags.
Main Product Parameters:
The UHF RFID ceramic antenna is a compact antenna used in small read-write terminals. As the dielectric constant of ceramics is higher than that of PCB, ceramic antennas can have essentially smaller dimensions. Dielectric loss of ceramic medium is also lower than that of PCB, so ceramic antennas are more suitable for small transmission devices such as handheld reader-writers, card issuers, RFID Android displays etc.
Application: Handheld devices
Our UHF RFID Ceramic Antenna has high stability and consistency due to the following features:
1. Gain of antennas of similar dimensions present at the market is around 2–2.5 dBi, but the IOT-CT03 can reach 3 dBi. Other conditions being equal, the higher the gain, the longer the reading distance.
2. Due to the double-feed design, the antenna has a wider transceiver band. The working bandwidth of a single-feed ceramic antenna is around 20 MHz, while the IOT-CT03 can reach more than 80 MHz. Its anti-jamming has been improved; and it has been adapted to all kinds of harsh environments.
3. The product adopts the most advanced production technology ensuring consistency of batch products as high as 99.89%.
Aiming to drive the VIoT application into all fields of economy, Waltonchain keeps moving forward in its aspiration to create the new comprehensive Blockchain + IoT business ecosystem and contributes to the industry development through continuous scientific research and innovation. The UHF Android Smart Reader-Writer and the UHF RFID Ceramic Antenna are only a small part of Waltonchain’s self-developed hardware series for the business of the future.
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