Best SMN Reference Reward Announcement

2 min readMay 10, 2019


Dear Waltonchain SMN program participants,

By 23:59:59 on April 18, 2019 (UTC+8), Waltonchain team completed sending out the 2600 $WTC SMN Reference rewards and the extra 60 $WTC per each new SMN to all respective References of valid SMN addresses. We thank all Super Master Node (SMN) holders and SMN References for their continuous support and trust!

Waltonchain Super Master Node Program successfully recruited 42 SMN. By March 31, 2019, 4 SMNs lost their status due to token movement resulting in address balance less than 100,000 $WTC.

Since the SMN Recruitment Program ended on December 31, 2019, we kindly remind all SMN holders to be cautious when making any transactions on SMN addresses and make sure the balance is above 100,000 $WTC to avoid accidental SMN disqualification.

On March 31, 2019, the 3-month lock up period for the referred SMNs ended. The highest number of valid SMN recommendations to Waltonchain by one Reference is 15. The Reference who recommended 15 SMNs is announced the Best Super Master Node Reference. Refer to the Best Super Master Node Reference address below:


In light of the release of Waltonchain’s first Smart Retail application child chain DMTC, Waltonchain Global Ecosystem Incubation Fund (WGEIF) will start the child chain token reward procedure: after Waltonchain Mainnet is open source, whenever a new child chain is added to the Waltonchain ecosystem, WGEIF will send a reward of up to USD 100,000 in tokens of the newly added child chain, until the total reward value adds up to USD 1,000,000.

Before listing of $DMTC on cryptocurrency exchanges, Walton Chain Foundation will send the first reward equal to USD 100,000 in $DMTC (1,700,000 $DMTC) to the Best SMN Reference!

Congratulations to the Best SMN Reference!


1. For the safety of your $WTC assets, please follow Waltonchain’s official Twitter and website for the latest announcements and news. DO NOT trust any information from non-official sources.

2. Waltonchain Team and our community admins will not contact you first in private messages/email regarding any information of your $WTC address. Please stay alert to fraud/scam attempts!

Walton Chain Foundation

May 10, 2019

Reference: Waltonchain Global Super Master Node Recruitment Program

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