Announcement on Waltonchain Mainnet Upgrade at Block No. 175,366
Dear global Waltonchain supporters,
Earlier today the Waltonchain Mainnet suffered a coordinated attack. Not only on our Mainnet, but also within the cryptocurrency community where disinformation and malicious rumors were spread.
To clear things up, let us explain what happened.
An exploit in our code allowed an attacker to increase his coinage score and mine many blocks concurrently from blockheight 175,368. The attacker(s) planned this carefully; however, thanks to some exceptionally talented community members and our dev team, the flaw was detected a week ago and parts of code were rewritten. As a result, after thorough evaluation, multiple areas of code were improved and rolled out earlier today via hard fork.
Thanks to the community and early work from our devs, the recent attack was quickly put to rest via a mainnet upgrade — duly noted by our eagle eyed KIRINMINER community earlier today.
On June 29, 2019 (UTC+8), Waltonchain Mainnet has been upgraded at block No. 175,366. We hereby inform miners to download the updated source code and use the new full-node wallet to continue mining on the upgraded Waltonchain Mainnet.
Updated source code:
WTC Wallet Windows v1.1.2 (To be released on June 30):
From block No. 175,366, miners will not be able to receive mining rewards without the new wallet software.
Please note that KIRINMINER ASIC and KirinPool users are NOT required to do anything for this upgrade.
Existing versions of the wallet for other operating systems will not be required to upgrade.
- Updated PoS algorithm as below. Mining difficulty will decrease along with the increase of WTC balance in the mining address.
2. Fixed malicious CoinAge exploit.
3. Cancelled the WTC balance requirement for creating smart contracts.
We thank our supporters for sticking by us during this difficult time. We will continue to devote ourselves to ensure the safety operation of Waltonchain Mainnet.
In no case will Waltonchain contact you first about your wallet information. Please stay alert to fraud!
Waltonchain Team
June 30, 2019
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