Announcement on Switch of KIRINPOOL Payouts and Waltymall Withdrawals to Mainnet WTC
Dear KIRINPOOL and Waltymall users,
As part of our efforts to complete the transit to Waltonchain mainnet, starting from March 17, 2020, KIRINPOOL will change the payment currency of mining rewards from ERC-20 WTC tokens to mainnet WTC coins. ERC-20 WTC tokens in Waltymall will also be automatically swapped to mainnet WTC coins. Before withdrawal from KIRINPOOL and Waltymall, in order to avoid asset loss, users need to change the withdrawal address to an address supporting mainnet WTC.
How to change the withdrawal address:
(1) For KIRINPOOL users:
Go to, log in to KIRINPOOL, click your username in the right upper corner (user icon on mobile devices), then Sub-accounts and Edit next to the desired sub-account. Enter or paste the new address supporting mainnet WTC and confirm it.
(2) For Waltymall users:
Go to, log in to Waltymall, then go to Account — Personal Information — My Wallet and click Withdraw (Account — Withdraw on mobile devices) to enter or paste the new address supporting mainnet WTC.
1. In order to prepare for the switch to mainnet, KIRINPOOL will not perform the Friday payout on March 13, 2020.
2. Currently, the following exchange platforms, hardware wallets and apps support mainnet WTC:
(1) OKEX (
(2) TAIBI (
(3) Bithumb (
(4) Binance (
(5) Bitcoin Meester (
(6) KuCoin (
(7) Bamboo Wallet (only the latest firmware v1.2:
(8) Ellipal Titan Wallet (
(9) WTA App (
(10) Metamask ( only with added custom token for mainnet WTC:
3. In no case will Waltonchain ask for your wallet and KirinPool information first. Stay alert to fraud!
4. To ensure the safety of your WTC, we ask all users to follow official announcements only and DO NOT trust any unofficial sources.
Waltonchain Team
March 11, 2020