Announcement of Personnel Changes

2 min readDec 5, 2019


Dear global Waltonchain supporters,

On December 5, 2019, Mr. Do Sang Hyuk will become the new CEO of Waltonchain!

Mr. Do Sang Hyuk, the new CEO of Waltonchain, comes from South Korea. He is the Vice-Chairman of China-Korea Cultural Exchange Development Committee, former Director of ET News and former Chairman of China-Korea Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Committee for Seongnam, South Korea.

As one of the initiators of Waltonchain, Mr. Do Sang Hyuk has been responsible for the promotion, technology application and commercialization of Waltonchain in South Korea. He was commissioned by Walton Chain Foundation to establish the non-profit foundation Korea Blockchain Institute to cultivate blockchain industry talents and technology developers. In the past two years, the Institute has trained more than 200 blockchain professionals in line with the Korean Governments requirements.

Mr. Do Sang Hyuk has been making a great contribution to the development of Waltonchain over the past years. We believe that, as an ecosystem and a team, Waltonchain will have an excellent future under the leadership of Mr. Do Sang Hyuk.

Mr. Mo Bing, the former CEO of Waltonchain, will continue to contribute to and provide services for the Waltonchain ecosystem in the same capacity as before but in the role of Chief Expert of Waltonchain, focusing on the blockchain industry development, namely enterprise incubation and empowerment.

We hereby thank the global Waltonchain supporters for continuous support and trust!

Waltonchain Team
December 5, 2019

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