25 Million WTA Pre-mining for SMN & GMN
Application period for SMN & GMN pre-mining: from 17:00 on October 28 till 17:00 on November 3 (UTC+8).
Application for SMN and GMN holders with ERC-20 WTC in software wallets:
1. SMN holders send 100,000 WTC or more from their SMN address to the official address: 0x957ecfc82e72d5e49be43e882dbe8db6e3f1b49e;
2. SMN holders with WTC locked in smart contracts send emails to smn@waltonchain.org and wta@waltonchain.org;
3. GMN holders send 10,000 WTC or more from their GMN address to the official address: 0x957ecfc82e72d5e49be43e882dbe8db6e3f1b49e.
Application for SMN and GMN holders with ERC-20 WTC in hardware wallets:
Since hardware wallets available on the market currently do not support the mainnet WTC/WTA, SMN and GMN holders with ERC-20 WTC in hardware wallets can change their certified address one time and apply via email.
1. Transfer ERC-20 WTC from the SMN/GMN address A to an ERC-20 address B in a software wallet;
2. Send ERC-20 WTC from address B to the official address: 0x957ecfc82e72d5e49be43e882dbe8db6e3f1b49e;
3. Send an email containing your [address A + address B] to wta@waltonchain.org to apply.
1. Since mainnet WTC and WTA run on Waltonchain, please make sure that you use a software wallet (imToken, MyEtherWallet, etc.) to apply. To check mainnet WTC and WTA balance, open the official WTCwallet apps and use [keystore + password] or [private key] of the ERC-20 address you used to apply with to import the address;
2. SMN and GMN holders who need to change their certified address can participate in pre-mining by following [Application for SMN and GMN holders with ERC-20 WTC in hardware wallets]. To do so, please send [old SMN/GMN address + new SMN/GMN address] to the official mailbox wta@waltonchain.org. Waltonchain shall recognize your address B as SMN/GMN;
3. Two or more GMN addresses may participate in pre-mining together, but only the address which transfers WTC to the official address 0x957ecfc82e72d5e49be43e882dbe8db6e3f1b49e at the latest step shall keep the GMN status. All other participating GMN addresses shall lose the GMN status;
4. After successful application for pre-mining, participants cannot withdraw the WTC used for application before the lock-up period ends. After the lock-up period ends, Waltonchain will return mainnet WTC to the participants;
5. Successful application for pre-mining shall be determined according to reception of the qualifying amount of WTC by the official address 0x957ecfc82e72d5e49be43e882dbe8db6e3f1b49e within the application period.
6. If SMN/GMN holders change their certified address and then fail to transfer the qualifying amount of WTC to the official address within the application period, the respective address shall lose the SMN/GMN status.
Walton Chain Foundation
October 25, 2019
Attachment: Pre-mining for SMN and GMN Users (from Blue Paper)
Total amount: 25,000,000 WTA. SMN and GMN users will not lose their corresponding identity by participating in the pre-mining; instead, they will receive WTA airdrops. After the pre-mining period ends, the remaining not pre-mined portion shall be added to the Autonomous Ecosystem Reward Pool.
SMN participation method: During the pre-mining period, SMN users can participate in 360-day lock-up staking to obtain WTA airdrop at a ratio of 1:1 (WTC:WTA). 2% of the WTA airdrop will be released after the pre-mining period ends, and the remaining 98% will be completely released in 7 months after 3 months of formal staking, i.e. 14% each month (distributed daily). The minimum lock-up amount shall be 100,000 WTC. The WTC participating in the 360-day lock-up staking will be unlocked on day 361.
GMN participation method: During the pre-mining period, GMN users holding 10,000 WTC or more can participate in 360-day lock-up staking to obtain WTA airdrop at the ratio shown in the table below. 2% of the WTA airdrop will be released after the pre-mining period ends, and the remaining 98% will be completely released in 7 months after 3 months of formal staking, i.e. 14% each month (distributed daily). The minimum lock-up amount shall be 10,000 WTC. The WTC participating in the 360-day lock-up staking will be unlocked on day 361.